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Collection of Shells HC118/1-22

A collection twenty-one mollusc species, both gastropoda and bi-valve, largely found in local and national waters but also occuring elsewhere.

1. NZ helmet shell | Pupumauneene, Semicassis Pyrum

2-3. Tiger shell, Calliostoma Tigris, Mount Maunganui

4. Circular Saw shell, Astaea heliotropium, Mount Maunganui

5. Circular Saw shell, Astaea heliotropium, Mount Maunganui

6-7. Pearl tochus, Sea snail, Indo Pacific

8.  Southern Siphon Whelk, Penion Mandarinus, NZ

9-10. Tiger shell, Maurea Chathanesis

11. Arab Volute, Alcithoe Arabica, NZ

12. Money Cowrie, Cypraea Moneta, South Pacific

13-14. Ram's Horn Squid, Spirula Spirula

15. Spider shell, Murex Zelandicus, Mount Maunganui

16-17. Deer Cowrie, Cypraea Vitellus, Indo-Pacific

18. Opal Top, Cantharidus Opalus, Mount Maunganui

19-20. Queen Scallop, Pecten Novaeze landiae, Mount Maunganui

21. Common Spider Conch, Lambis Lambis, Indo-Pacific NZ

max dimension: 180mm
subject area: Social Science, Science
specific themes: Sea, Shells, Mollusc, Mount Maunganui, New Zealand 

handling collection number: HC118/1-21

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