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We offer free Outreach programmes to Tauranga City schools. These are run by our Museum Educator and registered teacher Megan Hoskin. Megan will come into your class and run a session from one of the topics below.

Outreach is available on Wednesdays at any time in your first block, or your last block of your school day.

Due to the popularity of our service, for 2025 we ask that you

  • are registered with Hands on Tauranga to make an Outreach booking before you make your Calendly booking (click here to join
  • make one booking per term per teacher (this can be one session for multiple classes) to ensure more teachers can make bookings (get in touch if you are wanting to make multiple bookings and I'll see what I can do)

We offer Outreach for the following kaupapa (subjects/topics)

Whakapapa me te whanaungatanga | Culture and identity

  • Te Waka Hourua- Are your ākonga learning about voyaging and navigation? In this session your students will learn about how the early Polynesian peoples came to Aotearoa in waka hourua (double hulled canoes). Objects include a large model waka hourua, a māhē (sinker) and pā kahawai (fish hook), muka (the fibre from the harakeke plant), a model 1700's sailing ship and a lego yacht. Suitable for all ages. 


  • Aotearoa Histories 101 - this session starts with the formation of our planet 4.5 billion years ago, moving to learning about dinosaurs in Aotearoa (when our land mass was part of Gondwana), and travels through time to events pre and post the signing of Te Tiriti o Waitangi in February 1840. This session is an excellent way to give your students an overview of Aotearoa histories pre and post human settlement, and an understanding of Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Objects include copies of Te Tiriti o Waitangi, parchment, muka (flax fibre), kauri gum, pipes, musket balls, and much more...this session can be tailored for all ages.

Tūrangawaewae me te kaitiakitanga | Place and environment

  • The Elms | Te Papa Mission Station - are you planning a class trip to The Elms? Book this Outreach session prior to your trip to have Megan come in and teach your class all about the history of The Elms - one of Aotearoa New Zealand's oldest heritage sites and a place of early contact between Māori and Pākehā in Tauranga Moana.


  • Ko Mauao te Maunga (new for 2025) -Mauao is the sacred tūpuna maunga (ancestral mountain) of the three iwi of Tauranga Moana – Ngāi Te Rangi, Ngāti Pūkenga and Ngāti Ranginui- , and Te Arawa iwi, Waitaha. In this session your students will learn about the natural and social history of the maunga, including early occupation and historical events relating to Mauao, the animals and marine life that make Mauao their home, the sculptures and art works on Mauao, how Mauao is cared for today, and so much more. Suitable for all ages.

Pakanga | Conflict

  • Te Pakanga o Pukehinahina | The Battle of Gate Pā - April 29 1864 is the date of the Battle of Gate Pā in Tauranga, a battle historian James Belich said was 'arguably the most important battle of the New Zealand Wars’.  This significant historical event, along with the battle of Te Ranga, were the founding of Tauranga city. Your class will learn about this battle, what was happening in Tauranga and Aotearoa leading up to the battle, and the consequences of both this battle, and the battle of Te Ranga,  in Tauranga Moana. This is an excellent Outreach session to book prior to a visit to the Gate Pā historic site, or prior to a visit to The Elms. Objects include a bayonet, cannon balls, a gourd, a replica Gate Pā flag and musket balls. Suitable for Year 3+
  • From Tauranga to the Trenches - using a range of historical and replica objects your students will learn about World War 1 and the Anzacs from a Tauranga perspective. Based on the book 'From Tauranga to the Trenches by Tauranga Museum curator Fiona Kean, the time period ranges from the declaration of war on 4 August 1914 through to serving overseas, return to normal life and the Tauranga Domain Memorial Gates. Also covered are the war effort at home, the role of women and children and the concerns of those at home. Due to the imagery and discussions in this session this is for Years 5+.

Te Taiao o Tauranga Moana | The Natural Environment of Tauranga Moana

  • The Rena disaster - Learn all about the Rena disaster in 2011. Find out how the disaster happened, what happened directly after the grounding, the environmental impacts on Tauranga Moana, and what your ākonga can do to help care for our marine life and beaches today. Objects include a taxidermied penguin, hazmat suit, plastic beads and images from the Rena disaster. This session is approx 45- 60 mins. Suitable for all ages.


  • The Kiwi- Kiwi are a symbol of the uniqueness of Aotearoa New Zealand’s wildlife and the value of our natural heritage. During this session your students will learn about kiwi in the wider Tauranga Moana rohe, the biology of the kiwi, the effects of predators. and what we can do to help save our precious kiwi. Objects include a taxidermied North Island brown kiwi, and a 3D printed kiwi egg. This session can be anywhere from 30 mins for younger students, to 45-60 mins for older students. Suitable for all ages.


  • Te Kororā | Little Blue Penguin- Your students are able to get up close to our taxidermied kororā (little blue penguin) and learn all about this fascinating animal. Included in this session is kororā habitat in Tauranga Moana on Mauao, Moturiki and Motuotau, challenges they face due to predators and climate change, the effects of the oil spill from the Rena disaster, and what we can do to help protect these precious birds. This session can be anywhere from 30 mins for younger students, to 45-60 mins for older students. Suitable for all ages.

Click on one of the Calendly links below to make a booking.

** If you get a message 'this invitation is no longer valid' it means someone else has already booked the session so you will need to try a new date.**

TERM 1 2025

All Outreach sessions for Term 1 are now booked. Bookings for Term 2 will be released at the end of Term 1 - keep an eye out for your Hands on Tauranga newsletter at the end of the term which will alert you to Term 2 bookings being open.

Outreach Q and A

How many students can be part of an Outreach session?

We can run sessions for either one class, or two classes at once. However if you would like an Outreach session for your whole team at once we can do that too!  Just get in touch with any questions you may have. 

How long do your Outreach sessions go for?

For Years 0 - 2 the sessions are approximately 45 minutes long.

For Years 3 and up, the sessions are approximately one hour long.

What does an Outreach session look like?

The session begins with a class discussion, and then some teaching about the kaupapa and the objects.  The class then has an opportunity to look at the objects closely, or have the objects passed around if they are handling objects.  

Will the sessions link to the Aotearoa New Zealand Histories Curriculum?

The sessions link to one or more aspects of the Aotearoa NZ histories curriculum, or to the Social Sciences or Science Curriculum.

Does the class teacher need to stay with the class?

Yes, we ask that the class teacher stays with the class to assist with management of the students while the session is running.

Does the teacher need to prepare anything for the session?

Megan needs access to your classroom TV so make sure that your Wifi / Apple TV / Chromecast is ready and working. Megan usually uses a teacher's laptop as it is easier for connectivity. A low table is helpful to place the objects on.

How do I book a session?

Click the links above which will take you to our booking system on Calendly

Who do I contact if I have any questions about the Hands on Tauranga Outreach programme?
